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Shakiso - Espresso - Natural Coffee

Weights1kg, 250g

The Shakiso Washing station is in the village of Derikidame in Hambela western Guji. We are always drawn to coffees from this region of Ethiopia mainly for their sweet juiciness! The natural processed coffees from Guji tend to have a bubble gum fruit like quality while the washed processed coffees are tropical and citrus like.

As with almost all coffee production in Ethiopia, farmers own a small plot of land and sell their cherries daily to the washing station or at a cherry collection point in Derikidame. The washing station works with around 650 farmers directly.

This is lot number one and the cherries have been sun dried for 18-21 days on raised African drying beds. The cherries will have been either raked or turned by hand permanently to ensure consistent drying. In the middle of the day the cherries will be covered to protect them from the sunlight the same happens at night.



1900 masl