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Ayele Bona - Ethiopia - Espresso - Washed Coffee

Sizes1kg , 250g

Lychee, Black Tea & Damson



2190 masl

This coffee was grown by local outgrower contributors to Mr. Ayele Tulu’s washing station in the Demeka Becha kebele, or village, in the Sidamo growing region of Ethiopia. Ayele Tulu has been in the coffee industry for over two decades and officially founded the Ayele Tulu farm and washing station in 2014. Since founding his business, he has been an active member of Demeka Becha’s single farmer group and purchases coffee cherries from local outgrowers to be processed at his mill.

This coffee underwent Washed processing. Cherries are pulped using an Agard disc pulper before being fermented for 12–18 hours. After being fermented, cherries are fully washed and moved to raised drying beds where they are dried under shade for 14–21 days. While being dried, coffee is regularly raked and sorted to ensure even drying and quality parchment.

We adore this coffee as it offers a very heady and floral cup with deep stone fruit notes on the finish.