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Caballero #1 - Honduras - Filter - Washed Coffee

Sizes1kg , 250g

Chocolate, Golden Syrup, Stone Fruit



1600 masl

The arrival of coffees from Caballero is always a special moment in the year. Marysabel Caballero, a third generation coffee producer and her husband Moises Herrera together maintain 200 Hectares of Coffee farms and 100 hectares of beautiful mountainside forest. They are incredibly warm caring people and, at this point, are really good friends of ours, we’ve been to visit them and they’ve even come to Bath to visit us and see that their coffee was in good hands!

They employ people from the surrounding communities all year round, rather than relying on seasonal pickers, which creates a lot of good social work in the local areas and allows them to maintain the farm without the use of harsh chemicals, as they have a bigger workforce to clear and clean with machetes instead! A nice example of the overlap of social and environmental sustainability is their stewardship of the 100 hectare virgin forest that grows on their land. By maintaining it they are of course helping the environment but also maintaining a source of spring water that is used by 8 different local communities and to process their washed coffees.

We are so excited to launch this year’s Caballero Unit 14, we are sure you’ll love it as much as we do. If you’d like to read a little more about Marysabel and Moises we’ve published a longer piece on our website!