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Frinsa Manis #1 - Indonesia - Filter - Extended Fermentation Natural Coffee

Sizes1kg, 250g

Blueberry, Cane Sugar, Strawberry Jam

Sigarar Utang

Extended Fermentation Natural

1400 masl

Wildan Mustofa of Frinsa Estates is fascinated by what can be done with experimental processing. Over the years we’ve tried a bunch of weird and wonderful things from him but this year we feel like the coffees have been really exceptional. This paired really well with getting the chance to meet him in London last year when he was over with Nordic Approach showcasing some of his amazing coffees at their Autumn cupping.

One of the big shifts in recent years in production on Wildan’s estate Frinsa is that they’ve started using ventilated greenhouses, these allow for much more controlled drying of coffees which ultimately allows them to control how the fermentation develops, how fast they want the coffee to dry etc. The climate in West Java is very humid and tropical and particularly with global weather systems becoming more inconsistent having these controls is not only helpful but quite necessary. Coffees like this one that had undergone such a large amount of in tank fermentation tended to be a bit too funky for ‘the Round Hill taste buds’ but now the flavours seem better integrated and less wildly funky.

Nordic Approach have been working hard with Wildan and his team to help him develop a reputation in the Specialty market and it’s really nice to see so many roasters taking note of these exciting coffees, lots of people were very excited about them at the cupping back in August.